If you’re looking to add great value to your home either considering travertine standpipes to add that spice of elegancy and beauty. Travertine beds are made from the majestic natural headstone and offer incredulous depth and color, adding a great aesthetic appeal to your home. Having said that, there are some advantages and disadvantages worth considering when it comes to travertine flooring. To maximize the functionality of this flooring type it’s elegant to be clear on your cultural preferences and how it’ll fit in your current home.
So what exactly is travertine?
Travertine flooring is made from travertine, a type of limestone that forms through mineral deposits, particularly in and around hot springs. Travertine limestone is composed of calcium carbonate, the same material that makes stalactites and stalagmites.
Travertine lines have been used for multiplex spells not just for their duration but also for their gorgeousness and texture. The Romans, for representative, pieced multiplex of their renowned structures using travertine. A notable representative is the Colosseum, a structure made generally from the material and has remained as one of the most ongoing milestones in Italy. It’s also ordinarily launching in some of the world’s oldest structures.
So what are the advantages of travertine flooring?
Travertine flooring is durable and with sufficient care, it can last for multifold epochs and maintain its beauty. When dealt with, the material is normally displayed with a mark indicating its hardness on the MOH scale. In general, travertine registers at the MOH scale with a 3-4 rank, which is near or alternate to that of marble. As long as it’s sealed, treated, and minded for, it can defy regular basement commerce plus lots more.
Notwithstanding, it offers excellent traction, If your flooring isn’t sealed and installed in its rough form. This is why a travertine paver is safer to use than ceramic tiles outdoors in the theater or yard. Travertine also comes in several colors similar to vanilla, white or ivory, brown, red, and gold so tiles can be matched to a select color scheme. It’s also recycled and ended in different windups similar as chiseled, brushed, tumbled, and honed.
What are the disadvantages of travertine flooring?
Travertine flooring is made out of natural limestone. However, it can be damaged or stained by high-acid products because it’s by nature previous, If it’s stoppered. Travertine is alkaline and will respond when it comes in contact with acids from liquids and foods. It can also be damaged over time due to waste if gutted using acid-rested products. It also tends to be rather slippery when wet, especially if it’s polished.
This type of flooring is also a high-end construction material and as suchlike, tends to be priced at a price. It’s possible it can be as valuable as stick-to-itiveness piping or even more. Travertine flooring also behaves likewise to other natural tombstone tackle in that it can puree or break and is vulnerable to scratching. It also tends to be heavy, particularly the larger 12″x12″ standpipe units, which can freight as historic as2.5 kgs.
Do keep in mind that if you have youths or speeds either you’re going to have to watch duly for your travertine flooring and not leave it stoppered. It’s also more much used in the yard or living room areas and really rare in the washroom and kitchen. Get your travertine flooring today at Floor N More Southlake, call us today to view our showroom!